Lost in Unity

Game developed for Unity Course

Significant changes for assessment, see list below, stroken through are the changes not achieved. But it's still more than 3!

- Design Modification

  • Create a complete interesting, comprehensive, and coherent level.
    • Done!
  • Add multiple additional levels and tie them in to create a logical progression in your game. (NOTE: Each level should be unique in some way, such as different type of challenges for the player.)
    • Done!
  • Modify the out-of-game menus in some significant and meaningful way.
    • partially done, created new Menu/Overlay for Tutorial

- Aesthetic Modification: changed the sounds (music and effects, for sources see below)

  • Reskin the existing graphics in some significant way, such as change the player or an enemy to a completely different character.
  • Add additional significant and coherent graphical elements to the game, such as new enemies or environmental challenges, complete with animated states.
    • Added Rockets, with different modes (single damage and areal damage; graphics, sound etc.;  enemies can even shoot down rockets (it reacts on hits, but they would need two hits and they barely manage that)
    • Added Asteroids with moving and damaging behaviour
    • Added a Black Hole with damaging behaviour
    • Added Warp Effect
  • Replace sound effects in the game to update the sound design of the game. (NOTE: You will need to change ALL the sound effects for this to be significant. Don't just change one.)
    • Changed all sounds in Menu, Levels, Effects (shots, hits)
  • Add custom music to your game. (NOTE: Custom meaning you created the music with a tool such as Garage Band or Fruity Loops. If you just swap out the music for another track you find, this is not considered a significant change ... though you can do it without it counting as a significant modification.)
    • changed to existing tracks, see sources below (so not a significant modification.

- Gameplay Modifications (these are more system/programming intensive), such as:

  • Add new player abilities, such as modified controls, additional moves, or additional power ups.
    • Added Rockets, new Weapon. 
    • Changed Health system (not based on lives anymore)
    • Player can crash enemies (but takes damage itself)
  • Add new enemies with their own behavior. (NOTE: This can be considered two modifications if you create unique behavior AND create the art and animation.)
  • Add new obstacles and challenges. (NOTE: This can be considered two modifications if you create unique behavior AND create the art and animation.)
    • Added Asteroids and Black hole with unique behavoior (but took the art from the given assets)
  • Modify the in-game GUI in some significant way.
    • Minimap added
    • Tutorial added
    • registered 'r' key to shoot rockets


Free sounds used from:



song18 pixelsphere.org/ The Cynic Project http://cynicmusic.com

cave theme https://opengameart.org/content/cave-theme

dream raid http://www.matthewpablo.com/services

observing the star https://opengameart.org/content/another-space-background-track

modular ships https://opengameart.org/content/modular-ships

graphics https://ansimuz.itch.io/spaceship-shooter-environment

Game developed by mbram.

PlatformsHTML5, Windows, Linux
Made withUnity


LostInUnity.app.zip 36 MB
LostInUnity.zip 28 MB