Game developed for Unity Course.
Developed by mbram.
List of Change:
Design Modifications (these are more design intensive), such as:
- Create a complete interesting, comprehensive, and coherent level.
- Add multiple additional levels and tie them in to create a logical progression in your game. (NOTE: Each level should be unique in some way, such as different type of challenges for the player.)
Created 1 more level besides the tutorial levels.
Modify the out-of-game menus in some significant and meaningful way.
Aesthetic (Visual/Audio) Modifications (these are more art intensive), such as:
- Reskin the existing graphics in some significant way, such as change the player or an enemy to a completely different character.
- Add additional significant and coherent graphical elements to the game, such as new enemies or environmental challenges, complete with animated states.
Addition of New Boss Behaviour, respawn, changed visual and integration into UI Replace sound effects in the game to update the sound design of the game. (NOTE: You will need to change ALL the sound effects for this to be significant. Don't just change one.)Add custom music to your game. (NOTE: Custom meaning you created the music with a tool such as Garage Band or Fruity Loops. If you just swap out the music for another track you find, this is not considered a significant change ... though you can do it without it counting as a significant modification.)
Gameplay Modifications (these are more system/programming intensive), such as:
- Add new player abilities, such as modified controls, additional moves, or additional power ups.
Jetpack added, player can float and move. (yes it needs more polishing, and no I don't have the time right now) Add new enemies with their own behavior. (NOTE: This can be considered two modifications if you create unique behavior AND create the art and animation.)Add new obstacles and challenges. (NOTE: This can be considered two modifications if you create unique behavior AND create the art and animation.)
- Modify the in-game GUI in some significant way.
Added a Minimap in Level 1 to make finding the exit and keycards easier + Markers for displayed only on the minimap. - Minor change: Added Text, and yes this also needs more polishing, did not have time to solve the shader issues.
- no external sources used.